Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Testicular Pain


Testicular pain refers to pain in the testis, an important organ of the male reproductive system. Testicular pain may be caused by an infection or injury to the testes or rarely due to a tumour. Pain in the testes is usually a symptom of an underlying cause. In such cases, there may be accompanying symptoms such as redness of the scrotum, nausea and vomiting among others. Prevention is possible by avoiding injury and infection through the use of protective support and by practising safe sex respectively. Diagnosis can be established through a detailed history, physical examination and some tests. Management involves taking ample rest along with antibiotics and painkillers. Sometimes, a surgery may be required, depending upon the underlying cause. If not treated promptly, the underlying cause of testicular pain can lead to complications like permanent damage to the testes, infertility, and the spread of infection to the whole body.

from myUpchar.com के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख
via https://www.myupchar.com/disease/testicular-pain

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