Thursday, September 13, 2018

Coffee is a magic beverage with magic powers. Who doesn’t love a hot cup of coffee!! An estimated 400 billion cups of coffee are drunk in a day all over the world. It also has some medicinal properties. It is so important in the everyday life of people, that it has become a part of the culture in a few countries. No breakfast is complete without a cup of steaming coffee. Whether coffee is good or bad depends on how many cups you drink every day. It is proved that a moderate quantity of coffee is harmless to the human body. It can help your body function efficiently. After water, it is believed to be the most widely consumed beverage in the world.

Coffee is a very important beverage crop of the word. It is the second most important beverage crop in India. It is prepared from the seeds of the fruit obtained from the coffee plant. Coffee is a tropical plant. Coffee is a brewed drink which is prepared by roasting coffee beans. It is native to tropical Africa. It took its origin in Ethiopia and Sudan. The largest producer of coffee in the world is Brazil. In India, coffee is grown in the Deccan plateau region. Karnataka is the largest coffee producing state in India, followed by Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Chikmagalur and Kodagu are two regions in Karnataka which produce more than 80% of Karnataka’s coffee production. Coffee is cultivated in over 70 countries. Coffee is of two types - Arabica and Robusta. Arabic coffee is grown in Yemen. It possesses an excellent aroma, flavour, and taste. It is of superior quality. Robusta coffee is also grown widely all over the world. The ripe coffee berries are plucked, refined and allowed to dry. Coffee seeds which are also called beans are roasted to different degrees according to the preferred flavour and taste. The roasted beans are then ground to powder and brewed.

Coffee is dark in colour, bitter in taste, also slightly acidic in nature. It is mostly served hot. However, iced coffee is also getting popular all over the world. Coffee’s success as a beverage is due to the caffeine content it possesses and its effects it has on the human body. The word coffee is derived from the Dutch word ‘koffie’. Instant coffee is available for people who don’t have time to make filter coffee. Canned coffee has become popular in Japan, China, South Korea etc. Coffee plants can grow more than 30 feet high. The caffeine in coffee is not considered ideal for the human body. However, it contains a rich source of antioxidants and other compounds which helps rejuvenate the body.

Some basic facts about coffee:

  • Botanical name: Coffea
  • Family: It belongs to the Madder family. It is a part of the botanical family Rubiaceae, one of the largest families in the plant kingdom.
  • Common name: Coffee/Arabica coffee/Arabian coffee
  • Sanskrit name: काफी (Coffee)/ पीयूष (piyush)
  • Parts used: Coffee is a flowering plant whose seeds are used to make beverages.
  • Native region and geographical distribution: The coffee plant has originated from the Kaffa region of Ethiopia in Africa. It is a native to the tropical areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Coffee is widely cultivated throughout the intertropical zone of all continents. Hawaii, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Kenya, Yemen etc. are a few places where coffee plants are largely cultivated. In India, coffee production is dominant in the South Indian states such as Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamilnadu.
  • Interesting Fact: It is believed that coffee was first discovered by Kaldi, a young goatherd.

from के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख

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