Monday, March 4, 2019

Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly occurring cancers in women and the second major cause of cancer-related deaths in females. Though the number of breast cancer cases have been rising steeply in the last few decades, early detection and treatment of this condition greatly improves the prognosis. Hence, it is important to look out for symptoms, especially if you have a family history of this condition, and check in with a doctor immediately if you observe any suspicious symptom. The main signs and symptoms of breast cancer are- swelling of all or a part of the breast, skin irritation or dimpling in breast, pain in the breast or nipple, nipple turning inward, redness, scaling or thickness of nipple or skin over the breast, unusual discharge from nipple and presence of a lump either in the breast or near the underarm.

It is important to note that the presence of these symptoms may not necessarily indicate cancer, but it is important to talk to a doctor to rule out cancer as the cause. Due to the side effects associated with conventional treatments, alternative systems such as homeopathy are inceasingly gaining popularilty for the treatment of breast cancer. Though homeopathy cannot reverse the nature of cancer cells, it helps in palliating the disease and improving the quality of life.

Remedies that arecommonly used in breast cancer are pulsatilla, conium, carcinosinum, sepia, staphysagria, thuja and baryta iodata. These remedies have been especially helpful in people with  pre-cancerous stages or those that are at a high risk of developing breast cancer.  

from के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख

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