Stomach pain is a term used to denote pain arising in any part of the abdomen. Abdominal area not only includes stomach but also liver, kidneys, gall bladder, reproductive organs and intestines. Pain in the stomach can be caused due to various conditions. It usually occurs due to hyperacidity (excess of stomach acids), an infection caused by bacteria or viruses, food poisoning, stomach ulcer, and cancer.
Common causes of stomach pain due to disorders in organs other than the stomach include irritable bowel syndrome, appendicitis, kidney stones, gall stones, menstrual problems in women, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis and urinary tract infection.
Stomach pain may arise suddenly or gradually and may or may not last for a long time. Bloating in the abdomen due to gas, burning in the chest due to backflow of acid into the food pipe from the stomach, diarrhoea, vomiting and fever are symptoms frequently associated with stomach pain.
Constitutional homoeopathic medicines decrease the pain and help in rapid recovery from the underlying condition. A qualified homoeopathic physician decides the best-suited remedy based on your symptoms, which helps the body to heal the stomach pain naturally. Some of the commonly used homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of stomach pain are argentum nitricum, arsenicum album, belladonna, bryonia alba, carbo vegetabilis, carduus marianus, chelidonium, cuprum aceticum, lycopodium, nux vomica, pulsatilla, sulphur, tabacum, veratrum, magnesium phosphoricum, causticum, phosphorus, and colchicum.
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