Pregnant and struggling with gas issues? Well, gas is a common problem during pregnancy, occurring more often than anticipated. Blame the changing hormones or your body, some amount of gas during pregnancy is indispensable.
Although it is fairly common to pass gas even when not pregnant, gas production and escape are witnessed more common in pregnancy, which is why it can be a cause of discomfort.
It has been estimated that an average person passes gas typically 18 times a day, with the number increasing during pregnancy.
This gas is not essentially in the form of flatulence or farting; it can also be witnessed as burping or belching.
Whatever may be the pathway, gas formed due to several body processes is just looking for some escape. This is why it is important to let it pass without holding back at any time to avoid excessive bloating.
Two of these common issues during pregnancy, that is, gas and bloating will be discussed in this article. It will include the causes, symptoms, treatment and remedies to get rid of these pregnancy concerns. So, let’s begin.
from के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख
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