Friday, November 23, 2018

Meditation: types, benefits, techniques and tips

Meditation, such a simple word poured in with millennia of history. Essentially a focus method, meditation has been enticing mystics and the common world alike. India, the birthplace of yoga, is well aware of the many benefits that this simple concentration method can provide. Sages and spiritualists all over the world have been using one or the other form of meditation to achieve mental peace and calmness. And the best part is that many of us meditate regularly without being aware of it! Did I weird you out or just amazed you yet? Some of you might be scratching your head wondering just when did you sit in that lotus position and chanted some Om to yourself. As stereotypical this type of meditation is, it is not the only way. As simple it may be, being deeply lost in your thoughts and imaginations is also a form of meditation and so is sleeping.

Another common notion surrounding meditation is that it is a difficult technique and is something you can only do with a lot of spare time. Though it is desirable to you take out some “you” time it is not always feasible. No worries, because you can go about doing all your day’s work and still meditate.

But how?

It is not an explicit art, you’ll see. Let’s walk you through the stress-busting and revitalising therapy that meditation is. You’ll also know about the different ways to get that single-minded focus that is generally expected of the regular meditation regime and exactly what to expect when you finally sit down for meditation.

from के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख

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